Monday, February 2, 2009


This has nothing to do with The Sims. Just sayin'.

Super Bowl. Steelers. Yesyesyesyesyes. I do not have to mention anything about the big deal that last night was.

That being said, did anyone catch Channel 4's coverage of the after-game chaos? From the South Side and Greensburg, looked like people were having a civil, drunken time.

However, my boy Ari Hait was stationed in Oakland, couch burning capital of Pittsburgh. Every time they cut to him it looked like he was reporting from Gaza or something. Things were on fire right next to him, guys were jumping on his back and swatting at his face. Nearly naked college students were making lewd gestures behind his back. He looked very afraid and very angry. What were the WTAE producers thinking? Why leave your guy out there to possibly be mauled by inebriated Pitt students? Holy hell, guys. Poor Ari. And he's the one the morning news always sends out to some remote location when it is -6 so he can report back, "Yep, it's cold." C'mon Channel 4, next time send Ari to the Super Bowl or to the next big thing to report with dignity. He's earned it.

Yay Steelers. And let's go PENS!

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