Friday, January 9, 2009

I hate cat hair in my keyboard. Welcome to TELLAIHTF.

So the true theme of this experiment in blogging is The Extremely Limited Leisure Activities I Have Time For. (TELLAIHTF)

I didn’t want to blog about work because I really get enough work at work, thanks, although I have a badass job (Teen Services Specialist at a busy urban public library).

I didn’t want to blog about library services in general either. Library blogs are just too dry for me. No offense to anyone who maintains one. I think I am just saturated with library stuff right now.

I could maybe have blogged about book design and my second career in publishing. Eh. I love it and all, but blah blah blah.

Right now I have a lot going on. In order to maintain some semblance of sanity, I indulge in approximately 3 activities that have nothing to do with professionalism, education, librarianship, or being a grown up.

1. I play The Sims 2. I have been waiting YEARS to get this game, and over the holidays, I finally allowed myself to go for it. Now, I am NOT a gamer. Games for systems after the Super Nintendo bore me to tears. You all can HAVE your PS3s and Xboxes. The Wii is cool, but I don’t think I could play it. But I have a weakness for playing the Sims or SimCity on my Mac.

2. I love Where’s Waldo? That guy gets me every time.

3. I follow the Pittsburgh Penguins. Even with the current suckage they are currently experiencing.

Welcome to Polly Experiment Blog. Named after my first Sim, Polly Experiment herself. Look forward to exciting updates about the simulated life activities of a pixilated representation of a human being! You’ll all like Polly, I promise.

Now, I can rationalize playing on the computer, watching a hockey game, or nerding-out with Waldo because it is for school! Wooooo!

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