Friday, January 30, 2009

Breaking news...

Oh. My. God.

I never would've believed it if I didn't watch it happen.

So there was Stanislaus, stargazing in his underpants at about 2:00AM Sim-time. Grandpa Earnest was watching television; Thad was chatting up some girl in the hot tub. Dina was playing chess by herself, and Stan's new wife, Melissa was at work. All of a sudden, a spaceship comes out of the sky. Seriously. And beams Stan up. Seriously.

OMG, WTF, right? Yeah! So Alex and I are all like, wait! How do we get him back! He's gone! His little status was still in the family toolbar, but his needs (hunger, hygiene, comfort, bladder, etc.) were erratically going up and down.

Argh! Right? So the rest of the family panicked for a second, but eventually went about their business. Sims I guess are just callous like that. Anyway, around about 8:00AM, the ship returned, depositted Stan on his face in the front yard, and left. Whoa.

So what's the deal? Alex and I didn't know until about a Sim-day later when Stan started showing the sign of . . . a Sim pregnancy!

It was just CRAZY. Three Sim-days passed. And then Stan had a black-eyed, green baby girl. Seriously.

We named her Bridget. She's really cute.

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