Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cerebral leakage

Honest to god, man, I am exhausted. My job and homework. That's it. Nothing else.

Enjoy some random unrelated pictures of Sims.
1. The Grim Reaper coming for some dumb Sim I killed.
2. Amber Creepy's portrait before she started having babies with the Grim Reaper and a vampire and an alien.
3. Helga Experiment being scared by some ghost.
4. Dirk Dreamer (Darren's late son) being scared by some other ghost.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


On top of having zero leisure time for anything, I am experiencing utter brain failure due to masses of stress. It is alarming to be as young as I am and feel like I cannot string together more than two complete sentences because of lack of concentration and/or memory. I just cannot remember things anymore. Names, words, ideas, things that I have to get done.

I am falling apart.

On that note, here are some pictures of the giant Sim penguin talking to a snowman. Apparently, he is interested in soup, prison, and fried eggs.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I am absolutely drowning in work.

I have a full time job in an extremely busy department in an extremely busy library. I do book design consultation work on the side, including work for Carnegie Mellon University Press. I take two classes in the LIS program.

I am never home before 10:00PM. I have no social life whatsoever.

Weekends are marathons of trying to get everything else done that I can’t touch during the week, like laundry or shopping or home maintenance. Plus hours of homework, errands, and side jobs.

I am exhausted.

All I wanted to do this weekend was have maybe one hour to lay the Sims. It just didn’t happen.


Friday, March 20, 2009


So this one time? On a snowy night at Herbert Experiment’s house? Little Helga was obsessive-compulsively raking leaves in the yard rather than sleeping. I noticed a strange little character waddling down the sidewalk. It wasn’t a Sim and it wasn’t a Sim pet.

It was a giant penguin.

And she got to pet him.


Also related to penguins, I went to the hockey game tonight. And I met the awesome dude who writes the Empty Netters blog for the Post-Gazette. He took a picture of my WICKED-AWESOME 1995 Tomas Sandstrom jersey. Now I am on his blog. Wooooooo!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Fun of Fail

Alex and I have branched out a little in our Sim play.

We were both feeling confined by our benevolence to our Sim people, so we decided to create a whole new family of total losers, give them miserable lives, and kill them off.

Frank, Felix, and Felicity Fail moved into a house with very little comforts or necessities. Frank we trapped on the second story porch and removed the door. He eventually starved to death. Felix started a stove fire all on his own and burned. Felicity, who survived actually being caught on fire twice, was left to drown in a pool without a ladder.

I know it is sick. But it left us with an interesting scenario to continue play with. You see, right before Felicity died, we moved pre-made Sim Darren Dreamer and his teenaged son Dirk into the household. After she went away, we fixed the place up and let the two new Sims live there. And now there are 3 very cranky ghosts attached to the property.

As a bonus, Dirk kept coming down with the flu because the house was infested with bugs from the previous Fail family, plus he would not stop running outside in the cold to stomp the damn things. So he too perished.

To consol Darren, I created a new Sim, Amber Creepy, for him to live with. He is totally in love with her, and she thinks he’s okay, I guess. Did I mention she’s the mother to a toddler fathered by the Grim Reaper?


(The photos: Felicity passed out from exhaustion while Felix burns down the kitchen. Frank wishing he had some friends or was at least allowed back inside. Felicity eating rancid food on the couch. Darren having the pee scared out of him by Frank's ghost.)

Friday, March 13, 2009

There goes the neighborhood...

This is a boring post.

I just wanted to list, mostly for my own sanity, the families who populate the Pleasantville neighborhood. Most of them are related to the great departed Polly and Benjamin Experiment.

1. Experiment Homestead (Original dwelling of the first & second generation Experiments. Also where Polly and Ben are laid to rest.)
Rupert and Christy (Wife)
Reuben & Rhonda (Twins)
Fuzzy Butt (Cat)

2. Experiment House 2
Helga (Daughter of Herbert and former love Marisa)
Roland and Cassandra (Common-law situation. Roland can't commit.)
Roux (Cat)

3. Naggin House
Yalex (AKA Alex Sim)
Peggy Experiment
Prudence Experiment (Peggy's daughter with Yalex. The above picture is from her birthday)
Poppy Experiment (Peggy's daughter with newbie to the neighborhood, Sheldon.)
Penny Experiment
Perry & Percival Experiment (Twins. Penny's sons with Stan Nice. Interesting.)
Bonkers (Cat)

4. The Nice House
Stan (Son of Ernest)
Thad (Son of Stan)
Priscilla Nice (nee Experiment)
Petunia (Thad and Priscilla's daughter)
Bridget (Stan's alien progeny)
Kay-Ya-Tay (Cat)

5. The Turnips
Trial Cat (Cat)

6. Ingram House
Sheldon (I have this embarrassing fixation for Channel 4 personalities. No offense meant to them)
Link (Exotic Cat)
Zelda (Exotic Cat)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I have always thought something was off about Rupert Experiment

I don't know what it is, but he has some interesting habits.

When he builds a snowman on the lawn with his son, Regis, it winds up with devil horns and an evil smirk.

When he gets in a hot tub, even if there are people he hasn't even met around, he strips naked.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

I do believe in ghosts!

I didn't mention that very shortly after Polly died, Benjamin passed away, too. Even after we got him the kitten, he was just beside himself without her, and the Hula girls came for him.

Now there is a small cemetery on the Experiment property with two headstones, some flowers, and a bench. I started researching Sim ghosts right away because I knew it was possible. Apparently, depending on the cause of death, Sim ghosts have some pretty weird behavior. If you want to see something oddly amusing, go to YouTube and search for the terms: Sims, cat, ghost, fight.

I waited a couple of Sim days, and I was rewarded. Benjamin showed up one night, floating around the inside of the house. He scared his daughter-in-law Christy pretty bad on one occasion. It was awesome.

The following night, Polly returned, doing spectral laps around the yard in the snow.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Polly Experiment, December 2008 - March 2009

Polly Experiment passed away peacefully at her home on March 2nd, 2009, surrounded by her family. Polly is survived by her devoted husband, Benjamin, who is devastated by her death. He needed to adopt a kitten immediately to help assuage the pain. She is also survived by her six children: Herbert, Peggy, Rupert, Roland, Penny, and Priscilla. She was grandmother to six: Helga (daughter of Herbert), Ralph and Roosevelt (sons of Roland), and Regis, Reuben & Rhonda (the children of Rupert and his wife Christy).

Polly recently celebrated her 78th Sim day. In her life she enjoyed many parties and had many close friends, including Alex Naggin, Donald and Ginger Turnip, and the entire Nice family.

Polly’s life aspiration was a large family, and in that regard she was quite satisfied. Although she may have regretted the fact that two of her sons fathered children out of wedlock. Everyone benefitted well from her generous insurance policies.

She was ushered to the other side by the Grim Reaper, who greeted her with dancing Hula girls and a mixed drink.

There is no viewing or service planned, but the family invites visitors to stop by the Experiment homestead, where she was laid to rest, and mourn next to her tombstone.

No ghosts have been seen. Yet.